On Tuesday, October 11, representatives of the Preservation League of NYS visited The Ford On Main site at 182-212 Main Street, Oneonta, as renovations continued on the upper floors of the building. The Preservation League was there to highlight The Ford On Main, a Historic Tax Credit project, for their social media pages and website. The Preservation League provides assistance to local advocates by “raising visibility, assisting with advocacy, and providing extensive technical services.” The Downtown Historic District of Oneonta, which includes the Ford on Main building, was listed as one of the “Seven to Save” on the Preservation Leagues of NYS website for 2022-2023. To learn more about the collaboration between the Preservation League of NYS, the City of Oneonta, and the historic Ford Block, read the press release below. To learn more about the Seven to Save, see the link below. Press Release: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ce6e114ce7798000182c79f/t/62819acee6429c41972bfacd/1652660942888/oneonta+STS+announcement+pr.pdf “Seven to Save” blog: https://www.preservenys.org/blog/seven-to-save-2022-2023-edition Photo Credit: Preservation League of New York State
Preservation League of New York State Visits Ford on Main Project
Updated: Oct 24, 2022