Springbrook, a leading provider of supports and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in New York State, is purchasing the Ford Block building located at 212 Main St., Oneonta, NY. Springbrook is a non-profit organization. Our commitment is to provide the utmost transparency to the Oneonta community throughout every step of this project, especially given the historical significance of the building and therefore its importance to downtown. Springbrook has many ambitious plans for the building, with all of our work guided by our organizational mission and vision; to support those most underserved in our communities.
With this core mission in mind, Springbrook has these primary goals for the Ford Block project:
Invest in the Oneonta Community
A vibrant Main Street is essential for the entire Oneonta community
Keep the building on the city tax rolls
Maintain the historical integrity of the building
Update the building to meet modern safety regulations
Create integrated housing;
Market-rate housing options for working professionals
Supported housing options for people with neuro-diversities
Job opportunities for the people Springbrook supports
Because of our non-profit status, it is an option for Springbrook to get a tax abatement. The organization will not seek to do this because of the significant tax revenue that the city earns from this valuable real estate. Instead, Springbrook is seeking a “modified pilot abatement.” This will allow Springbrook to pay taxes at the current value of the building, with the taxes on the restored (improvements) value of the building phased in over the next 25 years.